Hola y Hello

In our family, we say "Hola" and "Hello."

In fact, you can often hear my 15 month old son switching back and forth between them repeatedly as he tries to greet people we pass around town. Unlike his four year old brother, who is mastering the art of code switching in conversations.

My husband grew up speaking Spanish. I grew up speaking English. And now our kids will grow up speaking both, or at least that's the hope. When we got married, a Mexican-Guatemalan guy and a Minnesotan girl, we knew it implied a lot of things, one of which being that we would raise bilingual kids. This proves much easier to type out than it is in reality.

Which brings me to this blog. I am passionate about raising our boys (and any future little ones) to be bilingual, and like most things one is passionate about, I could talk about topics like bilingualism, multiculturalism, TCKs, cross-cultural relationships, etc. to no end. I love reading about these things, discussing them, sharing resources, and connecting with others who share a common goal or interest. So that is exactly my hope for this space - Hola y Hello.

At Hola y Hello you can expect to read more about our family's bilingual journey in addition to tips, ideas, resources, reviews, and more. I would love for you to follow along, but more so, I would love to connect with you and hear about your bilingual experience too! Leave a comment, follow me on Instagram (@holayhello), or send me an email (holayhello19@gmail.com).

Gracias y thank you. And once again, hola y hello.


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