The "Spanglish Method"
Whenever I hear about methods to raise bilingual kids, there are usually two popular options. The first is the One Parent, One Language method. As its name suggests, this method requires each parent to speak exclusively in his/her native language to the child. This is a common method among parents with different native languages. Another method is Minority Language at Home . For this method the parents commit to using the minority language within the home and the majority language when outside the home. Before my husband and I had kids, I always read about how important it was to choose a method and stick to it. That seemed logically and straight-forward ... until I had kids. Then I realized how difficult it was to be consistent in our method. When our first son was born we were living in Guatemala. I mostly spoke English to him, and my husband spoke Spanish (in other words, the One Parent, One Language method). This worked pretty well until we moved to the United States. S...