Finding Stuff in Spanish at Goodwill {4 Tips}

The chances are, if it is Thursday and the kids and I don't have plans, you will find us at Goodwill. I am not sure about the rest of the country, but here in Minnesota Goodwill has all kids' clothing and toys 50% off on Thursdays. I have found some great stuff there at really low prices. However, the purchases I get the most excited about are when I find things in Spanish! I have found flash cards, board games, books, and more. I'm the first to admit it is definitely luck of the draw, but I do have a few tips I use to increase my chances. 1. Visit Goodwill stores located in cities with Spanish immersion programs. I feel like this helps there to be more things in Spanish, either through the donations received or due to the demand of the families in the area. Whatever the case, I have had good luck at these stores compared to others. 2. Dig around a bit. A lot of the time the things I've found in Spanish weren't in the direct line of sight. For example, I ...